Please Speak to Your STEM Advisor Prior to Registration!
As an undergraduate, you can enroll in Terrapin Teachers courses that will count towards obtaining a Master’s Certification. You can get an introduction to teaching by enrolling in the first two introductory courses, TLPL 101 and TLPL 102. TLPL 101 + 102 satisfies the Scholarship & Practice general education requirement.
Terrapin Teachers: Dr. Anisha Campbell, Associate Director,
College of Education: Brittani Berry, STEM secondary education advisor,
Agriculture education: Dr. Melissa Welsh, Assistant Clinical Professor of Agricultural Education
Master’s Certification Pathway
The Master of Education with Certification Program (MCERT):
For Elementary or Secondary Education is an alternative teacher education program designed for highly educated and capable persons who have completed baccalaureate degrees in various academic fields. Secondary Education applicants may be required to take extra courses to bolster their academic content in some concentration to meet State requirements. The programs support four themes from national and local reform agendas:
(1) Inquiry and reflection; (2) Teaching for understanding; (3) Teaching for diversity; (4) Building democratic learning communities.
Five-Year Integrated Master’s with Certification Program in Secondary Education (IMCP):
This program, intended for the University of Maryland undergraduates majoring in science, math, and computer science, combines the undergraduate major with a block of education courses. In this pathway, academically talented undergraduates complete 6 credits in education during their junior/senior years, graduate with their undergraduate STEM degree, and in the fifth year, gain certification in the subject field along with a Master of Education degree from the Department.
Students will begin during summer session I. They will take an asynchronous reading course (session I) and a diversity course (session II). By doing this, IMCP and MCERT will end their programs in May.
courses YOU SHOULD take for the five-year integrated master’s with certification program:
TLPL 101: Inquiry Approach To Teaching STEM (Step 1)
No permission code or application needed
TLPL 102: Inquiry Teaching Of STEM In Middle School
Must have completed TLPL101.
TLPL 414: Special Topics In Education; Knowing And Learning
Prerequisite: Must have completed or be concurrently enrolled in TLPL102.
TLPL 401: Student Centered Curriculum And Instruction
Pre- or Co-requisite: Permission of instructor; and TLPL102; and must have completed or be concurrently enrolled in TLPL414 (formerly 488M).